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File List | 1997-01-07 | 40.5 KB | 585 lines |
- MACROM.ZIP 436,235 12-20-96 Macro Mania v3.5. Easy-to-use macro
- | program that works with any Windows
- | program. It enables you to run programs
- | (or switch to currently running programs)
- | and then send keystrokes to that program
- | with one simple command.
- MAKEPLAY.ZIP 2,218,62 10-08-96 Make It Play v1.0 for Win 95. Let's you
- | assign a WAV file for each of eight most
- | common events.
- MCDELUXE.ZIP 1,319,93 11-09-96 Media Changer Deluxev3.1 for Win 95.
- | Theme, wallpaper, screen saver and sound
- | changer. New auto-stretch and random theme
- | features.
- MDISK4W.ZIP 180,761 11-11-96 MaxiDisk v4.w <ASP> The Original Floppy
- | Disk Expander. Format 360k disks to 420k,
- | 720k to 800k, 1.2 meg to 1.4 meg and 1.44
- | meg to 1.6 meg or 1.7 meg, 2.88 meg to 3.2.
- METZLK40.ZIP 238,247 12-19-96 Metz Lock v4.0. Complete password
- | protection. Use Lock to protect your PC.
- | Prevent unauthorized use and disable
- | Ctrl-Alt-Del. Customize Lock to meet your
- | security needs. Novell 3.x, 4.x and Banyan
- | Vines passwords supported.
- MFD9609A.ZIP 95,795 10-11-96 Magic Folders v96.09a. Makes any folder(s)
- | completely invisible to others but
- | instantly available to you.
- MJYMBB.ZIP 49,179 10-29-96 Mbb Button Bar v1.06. Simple button bar
- | program launcher.
- MMAN100.ZIP 457,237 10-31-96 Mail Man v1.0 <ASP> Designed to meet the
- | needs of most companies and individuals
- | for an automated method of creating,
- | retrieving, and filing Phone and Email
- | messages of unlimited size.
- MMOU201.ZIP 208,324 10-28-96 Meta-Mouse v2.01 for Win 95/NT. Provides
- | over 30 interesting animated and
- | stationary cursors for Win95. This also
- | includes several app starting and busy
- | cursors, as well as four different
- | 'I-Beam' replacements.
- MORSPC95.ZIP 513,133 11-20-96 More Space v2.5 for Win 95. Helps locate
- | and delete file duplicates based on
- | filename or name/date/size. Its output can
- | be sent to printer or clipboard. Handy
- | tool to help you free up valuable hard
- | disk space.
- MYOSS23.ZIP 419,199 11-07-96 MakeYourOwn Screen Saver v2.3. Create your
- | own screen saver using JPeg, GIF, TIF and
- | BMP images. Includes Zoom, float, blinds
- | and random effects.
- NEWNUM11.ZIP 157,611 10-10-96 NewNumbering v1.1i for Win 95/NT. On
- | October 18th 1996, France will change its
- | phone numbering plan from 8 digits to 10
- | digits. This converts from old standard to
- | new standard. English and French versions.
- NOTES.ZIP 237,676 11-04-96 Post-it Notes & Biorhythm. Handy desktop
- | notes utility with the unusual addition of
- | biorhythm information.
- NOTES162.ZIP 56,019 10-06-96 WiNotes v1.62. Post It style notepad.
- | Multiple notes can exist at same time with
- | their own characteristics. New: Rich text
- | capabilities.
- ODOMTR17.ZIP 55,689 10-26-96 Odometer v1.6 for Win 95. Lets you see the
- | distance you do with your mouse. Results
- | are displayed in the taskbar.
- OMEGA12.ZIP 1,286,46 11-27-96 Omega Drive v1.2 for Win 95 <ASP> Poweful
- | multi-function package features archive
- | management, program management functions,
- | graphics viewing and manipulation,
- | Internet encoding/decoding facilities and
- | more.
- PALMYCUR.ZIP 15,807 11-05-96 Palmy Paradise Cursor Collection for Win
- | 95/NT. 256 Colors. Includes snorkelers, a
- | sunset, a blue Marlin and a camping match.
- | Each animated cursor has a pointer cursor
- | to include in the setup.
- PASSGN60.ZIP 139,557 11-02-96 Random Password Generator v6.0. Creates
- | random passwords using numbers, letters
- | and special characters. Upper and
- | lowercase letters are treated as seperate
- | letters. Total of 94 characters are
- | available to choose from.
- PCCI101E.ZIP 680,044 10-15-96 PC Crypto v1.0.1. Personal encryption
- | software from Mcafee.
- PCOPY200.ZIP 332,402 10-18-96 Path Copy v2.0. for Win 95. Adds the
- | option copy the path of the current
- | selection to the clipboard. It may then be
- | added to any item that may have data
- | pasted to it from the clipboard.
- PEARLS11.ZIP 367,103 11-20-96 Pearls Of Wisdom v1.10 for Win 95.
- | Displays random quotes and cuts them to
- | the clipboard. Quotes are stored in a
- | fixed field length ASCII file. Pearls of
- | Wisdom has the ability to add, edit or
- | delete individual quotes.
- PEEPER.ZIP 855,698 11-15-96 Peeper v1.60. Extract version and
- | identification information from Windows
- | EXEs and DLLs. Extracted info can be
- | viewed on-screen or printed out.
- PERSCR21.ZIP 1,054,55 12-04-96 Perfect Screens v2.1 for Win 95. Have
- | multiple virtual screens and switch among
- | them. Running applications can easily be
- | moved or copied among screens. Each screen
- | also has its own menu and toolbar to
- | launch apps, open files and view
- | directories.
- PHOTO142.ZIP 523,249 12-22-96 Photo-realistic Icons Creator v1.42.
- | Professional icon tools to create/edit
- | icons at any color depths (up to 24-bit
- | color). Convert over 40 different image
- | formats to ICO. Screen capture utility is
- | included to capture any area of the screen.
- PWRDREAM.ZIP 220,044 12-08-96 Powerdream v2.01 for Win 95. Highly
- | configurable shell productivity menu.
- QBALL100.ZIP 648,024 12-21-96 QBall v1.0 for Win 95. Fun program that
- | assists you with the not-so-important
- | decisions in life like the classic Magic
- | Eight Ball. Resides in the system tray.
- QBAR131.ZIP 214,850 10-21-96 Quik Bar v1.31. Small toolbar-style
- | application launcher that gives you quik
- | and easy, one-click access to as many as
- | 24 of your most frequently used programs.
- | Also launches files that are associated
- | with a specific Windows application.
- QCOPY11.ZIP 50,912 12-07-96 QuickCopy v1.1 for Win 95. Creates a
- | taskbar tray icon from which you can copy
- | text files very quickly to the clipboard.
- QLPWIN21.ZIP 365,236 12-25-96 Automated Episode Guide v2.1 for the
- | popular syndicated TV show Quantum Leap.
- QPATH131.ZIP 24,138 10-06-96 Quick Paths v1.31 for Win 95. Gives you
- | one click access to your most commonly
- | used folders for any file selection box
- | and Explorer! Small, easy and user
- | configurable.
- QTIME16.ZIP 1,673,99 11-25-96 QuikTime for Win 3.1. Start, pause, and
- | resume timed events. It supports event
- | naming, shows time even when shrunk to an
- | icon, and keeps track of multiple
- | instances.
- QTIME32.ZIP 1,044,77 10-31-96 QuikTime for Win 95.
- QUICKVAL.ZIP 123,616 11-04-96 Quickval v2.03. Takes numeric entries,
- | converts them to text instantly, and
- | copies the text to the Windows clipboard
- | so they can be pasted into practically any
- | application.
- RAIN32.ZIP 163,032 11-27-96 Rain Screen Saver for Win 95. Displays
- | falling raindrops on your desktop.
- READER2A.ZIP 1,615,31 10-22-96 Reader v2a. Multimedia application
- | designed to be run on a computer with a
- | sound card installed. Reads text files
- | using speech.
- RECLAIM.ZIP 1,986,16 10-13-96 Reclaim It! for Win 95. Helps you recover
- | disk space lost when time goes by and
- | files begin to gather up on your hard
- | drive. It helps you deal with files you
- | forgot about and even files you don't know
- | existed.
- REMINDR.ZIP 218,851 11-16-96 Reminder v1.1. Powerful event reminder
- | that support both one-time and recurring
- | events. Features include an easy-to-use
- | toolbar interface, the ability to run
- | automatically when Windows stars up.
- REPW200.ZIP 801,380 11-12-96 Replicator v2.00 <ASP> Disk image utility
- | used to create images of diskettes and
- | catalog them in a database. Recreate disks
- | easily. The database stores a description
- | and file list for each diskette.
- RF9610A.ZIP 504,988 11-30-96 RADFind 96 v1.0 for Win 95. The world's
- | fastest file finder! You no longer have to
- | remember where your files are stored on
- | your hard drives. Qickly finds the file
- | that you want and puts the result in the
- | filename field of any file dialog box!
- SAFESCAN.ZIP 181,929 10-31-96 SafetyScan for Win 95. Regularly scans
- | your hard drive for various
- | error-producing files and then optionally
- | cleans them from your system.
- SCANPRO.ZIP 1,689,69 11-29-96 System Scanner 95 Pro for Win 95. Complete
- | memory monitoring system that reports on
- | physical, virtual, paging, and total
- | memory. Readings can be displayed in
- | bargraphs, digital readouts for free,
- | total, and used, and real time graphs.
- SCH32_54.ZIP 326,266 10-01-96 Search 32 v1.05.004 for Win 95/NT. Easy to
- | use text retrieval program which works
- | similar to Find Fast from MS Office 32.
- SCMIND10.ZIP 1,189,88 12-16-96 ScreenMinder v1.0. Run marquee-style
- | quotes across your screen with your
- | favorite screen savers. Set for a specific
- | saver or quote, or let it choose randomly.
- | Tell Co-workers you're out, and/or amuse
- | them with wryly humorous commentary on
- | life.
- SCRAVI4.ZIP 273,039 11-08-96 SCRAVI v4.0. Screen saver AVI/MOV/CD
- | player. Plays a music CD with pictures or
- | plays some user selected AVI/MOV files as
- | screen saver.
- SCRMPLUS.ZIP 43,738 10-08-96 Scramble Plus v1.5. Simple but powerful
- | data encryption package features Win 95
- | long filename support, the ability to
- | scramble individual files or whole
- | folders, and secure password protection.
- SCRNPX20.ZIP 478,606 11-05-96 ScreenPix v2.0. Screen saver that will
- | display any bitmap graphics files that you
- | choose. You can customize it to show just
- | the pictures you want and choose the
- | duration that the pictures appear for.
- | This can also be used as a slide show
- | program.
- SEADEMO.ZIP 589,718 10-13-96 Seattle Screen Saver v1.0 <ASP> Displays
- | high-quality photographic color pictures
- | of Seattle.
- SENTRY53.ZIP 151,769 10-17-96 Sentry v5.3. DOS/Win/95 security program.
- | Allows complete customization to fit your
- | needs. Protect system, O/S, and/or
- | individual files and support up to 100
- | users with normal and "SuperUser" access.
- SFDL100E.ZIP 382,528 12-24-96 SafeDel v1.0b6. Delete tracking system.
- | Replacement for the Recycle Bin. Capture
- | deleted files from DOS programs too.
- SFTYNT35.ZIP 140,351 10-14-96 Safety Net v3.5. Backups key files. It has
- | 1 default setting - to backup key windows
- | and system files - and 5 user configurable
- | options. Could easily backup all of your
- | DOC and/or database files, for example.
- SFTYNT52.ZIP 587,696 10-07-96 Safety Net v5.2 for Win 95/NT.
- SH522.ZIP 681,017 11-06-96 Shorthand v5.0. Typing productivity tool
- | that works concurrently with other Windows
- | applications. You represent frequently
- | used words, phrases and keystrokes with a
- | much shorter keyword.
- SHRTCTR2.ZIP 197,026 11-19-96 Shortcutter v2.01 for Win 95. Finds all
- | links on your computer and allows you to
- | perform actions including deleting or
- | resolving broken links. Also finds empty
- | files, empty directories and Internet
- | shortcuts.
- SKY952A.ZIP 656,330 11-12-96 ScreenSaver Super Bundle v2.0 for Win 95.
- | 12 great animated screen savers plus full
- | motion video screen saver.
- SM19G_16.ZIP 951,732 12-02-96 SuperMail v1.9g. Mailing list program
- | allows you to maintain an unlimited number
- | of records. It prints labels, envelopes,
- | letters, and reports. Import and export
- | dBase and ASCII records. Complete set of
- | mailing list management tools.
- SM19G_32.ZIP 981,905 12-02-96 SuperMail v1.9g for Win 95.
- SMART.ZIP 191,218 12-09-96 Smart Start v1.0b for Win 95. Formally
- | known as RegStart. Allows users to
- | add/remove programs in the registry that
- | they wish to auto-start.
- SNDPIX20.ZIP 497,772 11-07-96 SoundPix v2.0. Screen saver that displays
- | graphic images and plays WAV audio files.
- | Features include random play, user
- | selected picture interval, password
- | protection, audio on/off and more.
- SOBUSY11.ZIP 317,786 11-21-96 I'm So Busy! Screen Saver v1.1. Always
- | busy or does it seem that way? Run this
- | screensaver & let others know! Perfect for
- | businessmen, executives, office workers,
- | secretaries, personal use. 'Busy'
- | statements scroll by.
- SPCDMN.ZIP 167,344 12-16-96 SpaceDaemon v1.0. Scans a specified drive
- | and returns a great deal of information on
- | the usage of that drive.
- SPYDIR20.ZIP 494,276 11-09-96 SpyDir v2.0. Analyze your hard disk and
- | free up valuable disk space! Is your hard
- | disk full? Displays hard disk usage and
- | wasted space taken up by bad disk
- | partitioning.
- SS2MEN11.ZIP 113,496 11-08-96 SysSettings2Menu v1.1 for Win 95/NT.
- | Move/remove your system settings folder
- | to/from the Start-menu and give it any
- | name you want. Freeware.
- SSXTD122.ZIP 585,292 12-22-96 SS Extender v1.2R2 for Win 95. System tray
- | screen saver utility that will protect
- | apps that are not multitask friendly from
- | your screen saver such as downloads,
- | faxes, backup software, hard disk
- | utilities, and other resource intense
- | programs.
- STARS112.ZIP 23,305 10-17-96 Stars! v1.12 for Win 95. Screen Saver that
- | makes your screen a portal to other
- | galaxies. Variable star direction and
- | more! With context sensitive help and
- | desktop properties preview.
- SWAPMON.ZIP 7,710 12-13-96 Fliptech Swapmon v1.10 for Win 95.
- | Swapfile size monitor: Great way to judge
- | how much extra RAM you need.
- SYSDATE.ZIP 16,817 11-29-96 SysDate v1.1 for Win 95. Displays the
- | current day of the month in the system
- | tray of the taskbar.
- TBAR32.ZIP 110,950 12-01-96 Toolbar v2.2 for Win 95/NT. Quickly launch
- | your favorite programs from the desktop.
- | Organizes program into 8 groups.
- TCLOCK12.ZIP 170,700 11-05-96 Clock v1.2. Displays an analog clock on
- | your desktop. Has many features such as
- | Motion, alarm and hourly chiming.
- | Outstanding graphics and 6 sound effects
- | are included. Freeware.
- TD19D_16.ZIP 530,073 12-10-96 Things To Do v1.9d. Powerful, yet
- | extremely easy to use task manager. You
- | can keep track of an unlimited number of
- | tasks, filter tasks by key word and date
- | range, print task lists with several
- | options.
- TD19D_32.ZIP 580,425 12-10-96 Things To Do v1.9d for Win 95/NT.
- TELEPT10.ZIP 101,773 11-11-96 Telepath v1.0. Amaze your friends with
- | your computer-telepathic ability! They may
- | have a hard time figuring out how the
- | computer can "telepathically" communicate
- | to you what their secret choice was. Great
- | trick that also teaches simple binary
- | math. Freeware.
- THIEF100.ZIP 166,536 10-17-96 Password Thief v1.0 for Win 95. Secretly
- | logs all passwords that were typed.
- TINYPO11.ZIP 48,737 11-11-96 TinyPort v1.1 for Win NT. Universal NT
- | device driver. Allows reading/writing of
- | I/O ports.
- TL_BETA.ZIP 251,131 10-16-96 TurboLaunch v4.0b for Win 95. Fully
- | configurable, toolbar style program. It's
- | the fastest and easiest way to start all
- | of your favorite programs!
- TNGW3221.ZIP 709,585 12-24-96 Automated Episode Guide v2.1 for win 95/NT
- | for the popular syndicated TV show, Star
- | Trek: The Next Generation.
- TNT41.ZIP 1,160,24 10-08-96 Tessler's Nifty Tools v4.1. Collection of
- | over 35 useful utilities.
- TRANSX95.ZIP 151,922 11-07-96 Transfer 95 v4.10 for Win 95. Export an
- | entire operating system to another
- | physical hard drive, including all
- | pre-installed applications and their
- | associated settings.
- TRAYDAY6.ZIP 50,725 10-12-96 TrayDay v6.0 for Win 95/NT. Date, time and
- | counter utility for the tray displays the
- | date (day of the month) next to the clock.
- | Left-click to give a menu showing the date
- | in various formats ready to be
- | automatically inserted in any application.
- TRAYTXT6.ZIP 72,640 10-12-96 TrayText v6.0 for Win 95/NT. Autotext from
- | the system tray! Store common phrases that
- | are available to any application with just
- | two mouse clicks or key presses. Plus, a
- | useful Spike feature for collecting text
- | from different sources.
- TRAY_ENG.ZIP 360,170 11-29-96 WinStep Tray Extension for Win 95 <ASP>
- | Extend the taskbar tray to up to 20,000
- | different applications of your choice.
- TRDIF11E.ZIP 395,541 11-05-96 TreeDiff v1.1. Visually compares
- | directories, ZIP archives, and saved
- | lists. Features 32-bit CRC comparison,
- | filtering options, file operations, the
- | ability to handle over 263 millions files
- | and more. Differences are color
- | highlighted.
- TREESIZE.ZIP 151,991 12-30-96 TreeSize v1.1. Tells you the size of the
- | folder or the wasted space, recursively
- | including the subfolders.
- TSCUTS20.ZIP 14,075 12-24-96 Tray Shortcuts v2.0 for Win 95. Add any
- | shortcut to the system tray. Simply copy
- | the shortcuts that you wish to appear in
- | the tray to the folder that contains the
- | Tray Shortcuts executable, then launch
- | Tray Shortcuts.
- TT140.ZIP 517,526 11-25-96 Thunder Tools v1.4 for Win 95 . Set of
- | Shell extensions that adds a new item to
- | the popup menu appearing when right
- | clicking folders or drives and adds a new
- | page in the Property boxes for drives and
- | folders.
- TTRICKS.ZIP 137,678 12-02-96 Tips & Tricks v4.7 for Win 95. Contains
- | more then 150 Tips, Tricks and
- | Undocumented features that Microsoft
- | forgot to tell us about!
- UFO9520.ZIP 617,805 10-29-96 ScreenSaver Super Bundle v2.0 for Win 95.
- | 12 great animated screen savers plus full
- | motion video screen saver.
- UPJOY.ZIP 81,263 11-04-96 Upjoy v3.0. Joystick driver. Easy
- | installation, and supports all IMB
- | compatible joysticks. Features include
- | axis mapping, button mapping, sensitivity
- | adjustment, HAT trim control and more.
- VDS216.ZIP 711,881 10-16-96 Visual DialogScript v2.03. Quickly develop
- | simple dialog-based programs or batch
- | files. It provides a dialog editor for
- | designing dialog boxes visually, and an
- | icon editor for creating graphical icons
- | for your programs.
- VDS232.ZIP 679,249 10-16-96 Visual DialogScript v2.03 for Win 95/NT.
- VENICE10.ZIP 772,417 10-29-96 Venice Screen Saver v1.0. Screen saver
- | module that displays graphics that
- | simulate floating through the canals of
- | Venice on your gondola as Italian music
- | and the sound of splashing waves fills the
- | air.
- VERDSK11.ZIP 24,842 11-07-96 VerDisk v1.1. Check floppy disks for
- | errors.
- VERN12A.ZIP 148,084 11-22-96 Vern v1.2a. Virtual Desktop. Update fixes
- | a few bugs.
- VERSLIST.ZIP 185,386 01-01-97 VersList v2.13. Track and manage versions
- | of executables and Dynamic Link Libraries
- | (DLLs) stored on your hard-disks.
- VGP_W301.ZIP 337,741 10-26-96 VGP v3.01. Simple editor for text files
- | but offers an optional encryption feature.
- | Blowfish algorithm.
- VINFO10.ZIP 26,072 10-01-96 Version Info v1.0. Check file version of
- | DLL/EXE/ VBX/OCX files and find
- | duplicates. Freeware.
- VL18D_16.ZIP 605,291 12-03-96 Visual Labels v1.8d. Easy to use label
- | design and printing program allows you to
- | create an unlimited variety of labels
- | using text, pictures, boxes, ovals, lines,
- | counters, and patterns in any font, color,
- | or rotation.
- VMERG127.ZIP 246,272 10-11-96 VMerge v1.27 <ASP> Easy to use program
- | designed to help people in merging files.
- | Compares files, displays them side-by-side
- | coloring the differing sections.
- VN95215.ZIP 302,832 12-20-96 Vulcan Notes v2.15 for Win 95. Brings you
- | one step closer to the paperless
- | office/home. It lets you create up to 100
- | virtual 'sticky notes' on your screen.
- | Features include rich-text editing, alarms
- | for each note with repeat settings,
- | find/replace, floating notes.
- VOYWIN21.ZIP 348,306 12-26-96 Automated Episode Guide v2.1 for the
- | popular syndicated TV show, Star Trek:
- | Voyager.
- W397S.ZIP 1,911,12 11-18-96 WinWhatWhere 97.00. Powerful time and
- | usage monitor will display when a program
- | started and how long it ran, a list of
- | activities by program name and window
- | caption, and the location of the program
- | and its associated files.
- W95SCRNS.ZIP 108,881 10-09-96 US Air Force startup/shutdown screens v1.0
- | for Win 95. Change your startup and
- | shutdown screens to USAF aircraft
- | pictures. Free.
- WALL330.ZIP 166,053 10-09-96 Wallpaper Manager v3.30. Schedule
- | wallpaper changes hourly, or custom design
- | your own schedule, includes some new
- | Bitmaps for your use, fully programmable
- | by the user, modify standard wallpapers
- | and save them for future use.
- WALLAC11.ZIP 166,519 12-31-96 Wall-Ace v1.1. Wallpaper Manager. Change
- | wallpaper on command, at intervals, or at
- | startup. Select new wallpapers directly,
- | randomly or sequentially from wallpaper
- | list. Automatically add new wallpapers to
- | list.
- WASTE95A.ZIP 752,255 10-01-96 Waste v2.5 for Win 95/NT. Analyzes a
- | specified disk and reports the total
- | amount of space in use, and the total
- | amount of slack or 'wasted' space.
- WB16_21C.ZIP 825,844 10-29-96 WinBye v2.1c. Allows a quick exit from
- | Windows 3.1 by double-clicking on a
- | minimized icon or pressing a hotkey
- | combination.
- WD222.ZIP 473,746 10-29-96 WinDupe v2.22. Fast and powerful diskette
- | duplicator.
- WDIFF149.ZIP 198,785 11-10-96 WDiff32 v1.49 for Win 95 and Win 3.1.
- | Displays the differences between two text
- | files or between two directories or ZIP
- | archives. 16 and 32 bit versions included.
- WDLLFND2.ZIP 373,875 10-31-96 WDLLFnd v2.01.12. Helps you locate common
- | routines used by Windows programs. It will
- | find all Windows EXE, DLL, DRV and VBX
- | programs on your computer and will display
- | what routines a program uses, and also
- | which programs use a routine.
- WFCLCK12.ZIP 251,413 11-04-96 World Flag Clock v1.2. Place a choice of
- | 30 national flags on an analog clock
- | display. You may change flags at anytime.
- | This program comes with many features to
- | enhance your enjoyment. Graphics and sound
- | effects are outstanding!
- WHIZN300.ZIP 672,426 11-05-96 Whiznotes v3.0 <ASP> Supports Win 95 long
- | filenames and jumps across folders! Still
- | looking for the ideal note taking program?
- | Whiznotes lets you organize your notes
- | into folders and create hypertext links
- | between them with drag & drop operations.
- WIN95TIP.ZIP 53,166 12-04-96 Windows95 Tips, Tricks, & Secrets v1.51.
- | This is a great collection of tips in
- | Windows Help format.
- WINCLEAN.ZIP 143,692 10-15-96 Winclean for Win95. Small utility for
- | cleaning unwanted files from your hard
- | disk. It allows you to specify a list of
- | individual files as well as types of
- | files/filepaths to clean. Supports drag
- | and drop, long filenames and popup menus.
- WINDCTIM.ZIP 23,900 10-16-96 WinDcTime v3.60. Displays the date and
- | time for 24 different cities around the
- | world on your Windows desktop.
- WINDRU5C.ZIP 130,491 11-22-96 WinDirUsage v1.5c. Provides a pie or bar
- | chart display of local and network disk
- | space usage. With printed reports and many
- | display options! Convenient way to
- | identify which directories are the biggest
- | disk space consumers. 16 and 32 bit
- | versions.
- WINFIND.ZIP 106,350 11-18-96 Win Find v2.5. Text and file searching
- | utility.
- WINPRO36.ZIP 446,919 10-09-96 WinProof v3.6 <ASP> Detects real grammar
- | errors like dropped words, extra words,
- | words that have been misspelled into
- | another word, and more! It reports more
- | real errors and fewer false errors than
- | other grammar checkers.
- WINX3215.ZIP 102,143 10-11-96 Winx v1.5 for Win 95/NT. Designed to let
- | you run several programs from one icon or
- | shortcut. Options include waiting for a
- | command to finish, starting a program
- | hidden, minimized, or maximized, starting
- | directory, pausing and sleeping. Freeware.
- WMERGE11.ZIP 35,019 10-01-96 WinMerge v1.1. Merges several ASCII-text
- | or Windows Write WRI files into one ASCII
- | file. It is straightforward, easy to use
- | and fast. Freeware.
- WOBLE132.ZIP 25,743 10-17-96 Wobble v1.32 for Win 95. Screen Saver that
- | makes your screen shake like jelly, with
- | anything from a slight wobble to
- | earthquake devestation. Now with context
- | sensitive help and desktop properties
- | preview.
- WRAP17.ZIP 159,197 10-31-96 WrapUp v1.7. Create a 'ShutDown' group
- | that will execute applications right
- | before you exit Windows. This could be
- | used to backup important files, log out of
- | your network, etc.
- WSIZER.ZIP 61,253 10-18-96 Windows Sizer. Size and move windows more
- | easily. Move any visible window to five
- | fixed positions, or size it to ten
- | predefined sizes. Freeware.
- WSPLIT13.ZIP 63,667 12-01-96 WinSplit v1.3. Split large files to many
- | small or even EXE-files, so you can
- | transfer them with disks. It can of course
- | join them back again.
- WTCLCK22.ZIP 224,495 11-04-96 World Time Clock v2.2. Displays 10 analog
- | or digital clocks of major world cities.
- | The graphics and sounds are outstanding!
- | Includes chiming, alarms and much more.
- | Visually stunning!
- WWP32300.ZIP 1,624,70 11-08-96 WWPlus32 v3.0 for Win 95/NT. Wallpaper
- | manager/changer with many custom features,
- | including sound and image
- | resizing/placement. Wallpaper images may
- | be BMP, GIF, PCX, TIF, TGA, ICO, PNG, or
- | JPG.
- WXR95_10.ZIP 1,179,58 10-15-96 Win-eXpose-Registry v1.0 for Win 95.
- | Registry tracer/ debugger/ monitor that
- | gives a real-time report on registry
- | activity. This is a handy tool for anyone
- | who tries to find out what data is stored
- | and where in the registry.
- XCD.ZIP 17,081 12-02-96 Extended Change Directory v2.0 for Win 95.
- | Able to accept wild-cards, unlike the
- | built-in version. A boon in these days of
- | long filenames.
- XD11.ZIP 367,367 12-26-96 XDesktop v1.1 for Win 95/NT. The ultimate
- | desktop wallpaper changer. Supports BMP,
- | JPG, PCX, GIF, TGA, DIB, RLE format
- | images. Can automatically change wallpaper
- | by the style center/ tile/ fit to
- | screen/rule for you.
- XMASLITE.ZIP 9,437 12-15-96 XmasLights v1.0. Puts flashing Christmas
- | lights around your desktop.
- XMAS_SS.ZIP 133,604 10-11-96 Xmas Screen Saver that displays cute
- | animated Christmas-themed characters on
- | your desktop.
- XREP32.ZIP 357,293 10-03-96 XReplace v1.54a for Win 95/NT. Powerful
- | text replacement utility.
- XRXLOGO2.ZIP 837,862 11-29-96 XrX Logo v2.03 for Win 95. Allows
- | full-screen previews of animated Startup
- | Logos without rebooting.
- YG600W95.ZIP 140,873 12-02-96 Ygrep Search Engine v6.00 for Win 95/NT.
- | Able to search text using regular
- | expressions as well as approximative
- | descriptions of the pattern and Soundex
- | algorithm. Allows aearch (grep), replace
- | (substitute).
- ZTW111.ZIP 178,257 12-05-96 ZTreeWin v1.11 for Win 95/NT. Text-mode
- | file/directory manager. Developed as a
- | native Win32 alternative to the DOS
- | product XTreeGold.